Resistance band workouts: Effective or just a gimmick?

April 15, 2023 by 3 Comments

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Resistance band workouts are becoming increasingly popular in the fitness world. They are inexpensive, easy to use, and provide a great full-body workout. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete, resistance bands can be a valuable addition to your fitness routine.

What are resistance bands?

Resistance bands are made from elastic materials and come in a variety of lengths, strengths, and colors. They are also known as exercise, stretch, or fitness bands. Resistance bands are used to add resistance to an exercise, allowing you to target and strengthen specific muscles. They are portable and can be used anywhere – at home, at the gym, or while traveling.

Why resistance band workouts are effective?

Resistance band workouts are effective because they provide constant tension on the muscle throughout the entire range of motion. They also engage your stabilizing muscles, helping to improve your balance and posture. Resistance bands allow for a greater range of motion than traditional weights and can also be used for strength and cardio exercises.

Benefits of resistance band workouts

One of the biggest benefits of resistance band workouts is their versatility. You can use them for a variety of exercises, including the upper body, lower body, and core.

Another benefit of resistance band workouts is their low impact on your joints, which makes them a great option for those with joint pain or injuries. Additionally, resistance bands are inexpensive and take up very little space, making them a great option for home workouts.

Resistance band workouts are also great for increasing flexibility and range of motion. The constant tension on the muscles can help to improve mobility, which can be especially beneficial for athletes or those with tight muscles.

Resistance band exercises

Here are a few resistance band exercises that you can include in your workout.

Resistance band exercise for Chest, Bicep, and Triceps.

  • Push-ups: Secure the resistance band around your shoulders or upper back. Get into a push-up position with your hands on the ground and your feet together. Lower your body towards the ground, bending your elbows. Push back up to the starting position and repeat.
  • Bench Press: You will need some kind of bench for this. Put the resistance band under the bench’s rear leg closest to your head. Lie down on the bench and press up like you would during a dumbbell press.
  • Cross over: Secure the resistance band around a fixed post. With your palms facing forward and your arms outstretched, stand facing away from the post. Then, step forward for pressure. Bring your arms across your chest in a similar manner to a standard cable cross-over while remaining straight.
  • Bicep curls: With both feet shoulder-width apart or closer together, stand on the resistance band. Curl as you would with dumbbells while holding the handles with your palms up.
  • Triceps Extension: Again, place both legs on the resistance band and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart or closer together. Extend your arms as you would in a standard triceps extension while holding the handles with your elbows bent and your arms overhead. Your hands should now be behind your head.
  • Skull Crusher: Similar to the bench press, set up the resistance band. Perform skull crushers with your elbows pointing up and forward, just like you would with a barbell.

Resistance band exercise for Shoulder

  • Shoulder Press: Stand with your feet together on the resistance band. With your palms facing upward, hold the handles at shoulder height. As you would during a dumbbell press, press upward.
  • Lateral Raise: With your arms at your sides, stand on the resistance band so that tension starts there. Keeping your arms straight, raise your arms out to your sides until they are lined up with the floor.
  • Upright Rows: With your arms at your sides, stand on the resistance band so that tension starts there. Similar to a barbell upright row, pull upward toward your Clavicle (collarbone).

Resistance band exercise for Back

  • Seated Rows: Sit on the ground with your legs straight out in front of you. Loop the resistance band around your feet and grab the handles with both hands. Pull the band towards your chest, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Release and repeat
  • Back fly: Place the resistance band around a post that is still. With your arms extended in front of you, stand back so that tension begins. Fly your hands backward so that they are fully extended out while maintaining straight arms and planted feet. You should have a T-shaped body
  • Good Morning: Stand on the resistance band and hold the handles with your hands caught behind your neck. Lean forward at the waist slowly until your torso is parallel to the ground, keeping your legs straight or slightly bent. In a controlled way, fix back up once more.

Resistance band exercise for Legs and Abs

  • Squats: Place the resistance band around your thighs, just above your knees. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointed slightly outward. Squat down as if you were sitting back in a chair, making sure to keep your knees in alignment with your toes. Return to a standing position and repeat.
  • Calf Raise: With your hands by your shoulders, stand on the resistance band with your toes. Ascend onto your toes as you would with a barbell calf raise.
  • Crunches: On the off chance that you have a decline bench, you can fix the resistance band around the foundation of the bench and perform decline sit-ups while clutching the handles. If not, wrap the band around a standing post and lie on the floor with your back to the post. Holding the handles by your head, perform sit-ups or crunches.
  • Lateral walks: Place the resistance band around your ankles. Stand with your feet together and take a step to the side with one foot. Bring your other foot in, keeping the resistance on the band. Take another step to the side with your moving foot and continue to walk sideways.
  • Bicycle crunches: Place the resistance band around your feet and lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Bring your knees towards your chest and lift your head and shoulders off the ground. Reach your opposite elbow towards your opposite knee as you extend your other leg out straight, pushing against the resistance of the band. Repeat on the other side.


Resistance band workouts provide a low-impact, full-body workout that can be done anywhere. They are versatile, effective, and can be used by anyone, regardless of fitness level or experience. Incorporate resistance band exercises into your fitness routine to target specific muscle groups and improve your overall fitness.

3 Replies to “Resistance band workouts: Effective or just a gimmick?”

  1. Ankita says:

    Thanks, please also share some good resistance bands options.

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